Humans have more in common then differences

Don Ditto
3 min readNov 5, 2020

As humans we tend to focus on what sets us apart from each other rather then what connects us. This can lead to many problems if the mindsets altered to think negative with preconceive notions about other people. The fact we don’t share the same life experience shouldn’t blind us from what bridges the human experience. For example as humans we get scared when facing the unknown, we all grieve when someone close to us passes away, we all get same feeling when being around someone we love, trust or feel comfortable around , as well as feel angry when we have been betrayed or done wrongfully. These emotions connects us. If we put 10 people in a room from different walks of life and had all of them share the view points on politics you would get 10 unique answers but if told them tell you how they all felt when they had to give their first public speaking most of the would say they were nervous, scared or petrified. These common human emotions are the things they link us.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

As a human being we all need shelter, food, sex, and security from a primitive scope, anything outside of that is a extra garnishes of life. The fact no one human can truly thrive in life without these necessities puts things in perspective. We all crave to be unconditionally loved by someone significant to us, we all want to be accepted by our peers, and we all want to be successful in some aspect or degree in life.

I’ve know many relationships and friendships to be destroyed by politics, and religion. For what? I ask my self the same thing. Regardless we were all created by the same creator, the fact we fight about external identities that hold us back and causes us more harm than good. That which we hold on so tightly to and let shape our world view only skews are perception of the world and limits our ability to accept our selves fully and accept the fact we are not ready to evolve as a species, to let something so small effect our growth from becoming a more mature civilization, we cant truly be the most intelligent on earth if war is our answer for everything we find challenging, which as gotten us nowhere but more in financial deficits, bloodshed, greed and etc. .

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

We are all guilty of judging someone based on clothes or appearances but if we actually took the opportunity to put ourselves in that person shoes to reverse engineer why are they the way they are you might find similarities along the way that matches your behaviors or experiences. Until we can bravely challenge our perceptions and psychologically trade places with some one or have conversation with them and with an open mind we will never truly discover what links us together as a species besides bleeding red and breathing air. Our connection runs deeper than the layer we perceived to be the end all be all that make up our makings.

Photo by jurien huggins on Unsplash

If this somehow finds you and you are reading this, I challenge you to be more empathetic and compassionate to your fellow human, instead of asking yourself the question what makes us different ask yourself what unifies us, what realties and experiences threads us , what can I learn from the other person and put yourself in their shoes for one day and ask your self the question are we really that much different and why do I find what separate us more intriguing than what connect us? This is the most important question, What connects us?



Don Ditto

A poet, a emcee, a leader, a father, a fiancé, a thinker, a visionary, a healer and God knows what else. Nashville's my home and greatness is my destination.